What is an Opti-myst fireplace?

An opti-myst fireplace, also called a hybrid fireplace, is actually an electric fireplace where the flame is formed by water vapor and LED light. This type of fireplace is, therefore, completely harmless and beneficial for yourself, your children, pets, and the environment.

As the flame is formed by water vapor, the fireplace does not create odors, smoke, or anything else and it is, therefore, possible to enjoy the fireplace completely undisturbed while your indoor climate is not affected. The fireplace must therefore not be connected to an exhaust, chimney, or other type of ventilation, but simply connected to electricity. The water tank in the fireplace is filled with ordinary water.

This type of fireplace is ingenious as a cozy addition to the home, as it does not give off heat. Hence, it is absolutely perfect for use in the hot days of summer. Since the fireplace is environmentally friendly and does not require any special connection, it is also possible to place it anywhere in the home, there just needs to be an electrical outlet nearby.

However, you should be aware of the room size, if it is a very small room, we will not recommend an installation of a water vapor fireplace as condensation can occur.

Opti-myst firebox

Can a hybrid fireplace be controlled with a remote control?

Dimplex is a well-known manufacturer of opti-myst fireplaces. If you have several of their burners, it is possible to operate all burners with one remote control.

Is it possible to install a hybrid fireplace under a television?

With an opti-myst fireplace, it is also possible to hang a television over it. However, it is important to ensure that the steam does not rise directly into the television and, therefore, a safety distance of at least 100 cm is recommended. However, we would like to point out that no lengthy tests have been performed on this.

What does a water vapor fireplace cost to use?

The only costs associated with using an electric water steam fireplace are water and electricity. The exact price depends on how big the burner itself is and thus how much electricity and water are used. Calculated based on the average rate of kW / hour, for a Cassette 500, it will cost approx. £ 0.02 / hour, whereas the slightly larger Cassette 700 approx. will cost £ 0.07 / hour.

Cleaning the hybrid fireplace

An opti-myst fireplace requires only a very simple cleaning, in the form of wiping the surfaces with a soft damp cloth.

DO NOT put parts from the fireplace in the dishwasher, and also avoid using detergents.

Dimplex water vapor fireplace